Our Applications Cover Diverse Corporate Markets

Facilitating Assignments For The Benefit Of Creditors (ABCs)

As a fiduciary service for its clients, DWC deals with insolvent operating companies and other complex assets through highly-effective alternatives to bankruptcy.

Explore the benefits of an Assignment for the Benefit of Creditors (ABC).

As assignee, Douglas Wilson Companies facilitates the preservation of operational value and ensures creditor interests are protected through the maximization of value. The ABC process is often much more efficient and less costly than other options such as bankruptcy or bulk sales. DWC’s expertise as a fiduciary, in all kinds of industries, allows for an immediate business solution that other remedies cannot provide.

Cost Savings

The ABC process is less costly than bankruptcy in that it does not require the same time-consuming court proceedings typical in a bankruptcy scenario.

Industry Expertise

By appointing an assignee such as DWC that has specific industry experience relative to the situation, an operating company in distress can utilize long held expertise to achieve liquidation quickly.

Proven Process

DWC leverages decades of experience in distress scenarios and problem resolution to provide asset sale remedies, confirm essential terms and facilitate the sale process for the benefit of creditors and other stakeholders.

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Why Choose Our Services?

As a fiduciary service for its clients, DWC deals with insolvent operating companies and other complex assets through highly-effective alternatives to bankruptcy.

See how Douglas Wilson Companies was enlisted to successfully resolve the ABC process

Once valued at $4 billion, Zulily ABC was an e-commerce company headquartered in Seattle, WA. The company had two 700,000+ square foot warehouses located in Nevada and Ohio that held over 1.6 million in total units of product and extensive conveyor and racking inventory systems.

See how DWC was integral piece in the orderly wind down of Zulily.

Management Team

The DWC Team supporting your needs.

Douglas Wilson
Douglas WilsonChairman & CEO
Douglas Wilson leads DWC with over 40 years of development, receivership, and real estate management experience. He has developed numerous landmark projects and has served as a Court-Appointed Receiver in over 1,200 cases.
Nicholas Wilson
Nicholas WilsonChief Operating Officer
Nicholas Wilson is responsible for overseeing internal operations for Douglas Wilson Companies, as he works closely with the receivership team to provide unique solutions to real-world problems.
Michele Vives
Michele VivesPresident
As President, Ms. Vives runs the operations of the firm and provides real estate development, fiduciary and advisory services for DWC and its clients. Known for her ability to reach project consensus and problem resolution, the firm’s clients seek her strategic counsel in complex projects.
Ryan Baker
Ryan BakerVice President
Mr. Baker has extensive receivership experience involving real estate and operating companies in special and troubled circumstances. He has served as lead agent on 150+ Receiver, Provisional Director, Trustee, Partition Referee matters and regulatory receivership assignments.


What is an ABC, or Assignment for the Benefit of Creditors?

DWC maximizes value through preserving the going concern. DWC reviews and confirms the validity of claims so only valid creditors are paid and the recovery is maximized.

ABCs, through DWC’s role as the fiduciary Assignee, allows troubled companies to liquidate and be sold as a going concern, avoiding the expense and uncertainty of bankruptcy.


DWC provides all stakeholders with a maximum return.

DWC works with the stakeholders and their legal counsel to facilitate an orderly liquidation of assets maximizing values while preserving the ongoing business enterprise.

Having been appointed in well over 1,200 fiduciary assignments, DWC has a robust track record of appropriately liquidating assets, maximizing values and thus recoveries for creditors.